SOL vs. perp: +5 years from majority = Age 23
SOL vs. employer: +5 years from majority = Age 23

Majority Tolling: √       Age 18
Discovery Tolling: √    Liberal (+5 years)

Age of Consent: 16

None for sexual abuse or lewd conduct with a child

None for rape victims under Age 18.

+5 years from commission or +3 years from reporting for other remaining felonies.

APPLICATION: All claims not barred as of March 13, 2006.

2015 Pending Legislation

No pending bills at this time.

View SOL Snapshot

HB 17 (GA Hidden Predator Act) MEETING NOTICE

February 2, 2015 at 3 :00 PM in the Judiciary Committee meeting room 132 inside the Capitol

Jason Felch, Top executives did not report suspected Scout abuse cases, files show, LA Times

In 1987, a Scoutmaster at a camp in northeast Georgia was accused of fondling a boy in a sleeping bag. The police were never told, interviews and records show.

GEORGIA ACTION ALERT: Event Wednesday, November 12th

Georgia Hidden Predator Act Panel Discussion

Dave Altimari, Connecticut Boarding School Target Of New Sexual Abuse Allegations, The Courant

Good for these CT survivors! Wouldn't be possible in NY or GA!

Heroic survivors protecting children in their community

Criminal charges will not be filed against Craig Peeples, director of Pak's Karate in Kingsland, despite the district attorney's opinion that "sufficient evidence" exists linking him to numerous acts of child molestation over more than a decade.

GA Alert for SOL reform

GA Alert for SOL reform

DA vindicates victims of karate instructor

View PDF of Letter from DA

New Bill Aimed at Child Sex Abuse Cases in GA

Ok extension against perps. Should be expanded to include institutions

GA bill will extend SOL for child sex abuse, victims respond  GA…