UConn music prof abuses sick boys. Sounds like Sandusky mo

UConn professor placed on leave as police investigate sex abuse allegations Robert Miller, 66, is accused of molesting five boys in Virginia in 1992. The head of UConn’s Music Department for four years, Miller is also accused of having sex with university students during his three decades at the school. HARTFORD, Conn. — A University […]

The RCC bishops are the public enemies of justice for victims.

Catholic Church lobbies to avert sex abuse lawsuits SB 131 would give some victims of sexual abuse more time to file suit against employers. But church officials argue the bill opens it up to suits that are too old to fight. By Ashley PowersJuly 15, 2013, 7:36 p.m. At the height of the clergy sex-abuse scandal in […]

Proposal to lift statute of limitations for sex abuse victims in WI

From Fox 6 News By Mike Lowe Thanks Wisconsin SNAP

A great fighter for survivors and SOL reform!

View article as PDF: http://sol-reform.com/JFS_ND_Article_2013.pdf

Good SOL decision in NJ!

CAMDEN — A woman who claims she was sexually abused by a parish priest in Hammonton more than 30 years ago has won a round in her lawsuit against the Diocese of Camden. A federal judge in Camden rebuffed a request by the diocese to dismiss the suit, filed in May 2012 by Lisa Syvertson Shanahan […]

Hear hear!! Wisconsin Child Victims Act: Justice for victims, protection for children

Child Victims Act: Justice for victims, protection for children By Julie Lassa The column below reflects the views of the author, and these opinions are neither endorsed nor supported by WisOpinion.com. One of the most important roles of government is to protect people who are vulnerable to abuse and mistreatment, and there are none more vulnerable […]

Voice of Elmo Kevin Clash gets three sex-abuse lawsuits thrown out

A U.S. district judge on Monday dismissed three sexual-abuse lawsuits against Kevin Clash, the voice of Sesame Street’s “Elmo” muppet until the allegations surfaced, saying the plaintiffs waited too long to file the civil cases. The ruling in the cases represented a victory for Clash, a 52-year-old Baltimore County native who has repeatedly denied the […]

Childhood Sexual Abuse & Statute of Limitations in PA

Read more: http://fox43.com/2013/07/01/childhood-sexual-abuse-in-pa/#ixzz2XtRpCdMl

More cases tragically shut down by short SOLs.

Judge rejects sex abuse lawsuits against Elmo puppeteer   NEW YORK (Reuters) – A New York federal judge on Monday tossed out three child sex abuse lawsuits against Kevin Clash, the puppeteer who gave Sesame Street’s beloved Elmo character his voice. Judge John Koeltl rejected lawsuits filed by three men who accused Clash of sexually […]

Singleton v. Clash, No. Nos. 12 Civ. 8465(JGK), 12 Civ. 8948(JGK), 13 Civ. 2172(JGK)., 2013 WL 3285096 (S.D.N.Y. July 1, 2013)

holding that because the discovery rule does not apply to claims brought under 18 U.S.C. § 2255, the six-year statute of limitations on Plaintiffs’ claims accrued on the dates of the alleged abuse and Plaintiffs’ complaints were time-barred