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National child advocate and law professor Marci Hamilton represents the Catholic Whistleblowers as they take this historic step:
“This is a historic moment when child protection groups from across the country that address many different aspects of child sex abuse band together to seek federal action. The visionary Catholic Whistleblowers have spent over a decade trying to bring their own church to full account for child sex abuse and they now turn to the President and his Administration because self-policing does not work.
So long as the bishops spend lobbying dollars to block victims from justice by fighting statute of limitations reform, the bishops will be hounded by their own secrets. The truth about abuse in every setting in the United States is needed for every American.”
Lynne Abraham
Philadelphia District Attorney for 19 years
Charol Shakeshaft, Ph.D.
Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University
Please contact Prof. Hamilton’s Chief Research Assistant, Zoe Kheyman at zoe.kheyman@law.cardozo.yu.edu.