VT Governor Signs Law Extending Child Sex Abuse Statute Of Limitations

Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin signed into law a bill inspired by the Jerry Sandusky case, and in doing so, righted an egregious wrong that hurt many victims of child sexual abuse by pedophile priests within the Catholic Church. Originally, the statute of limitations on prosecuting perpetrators of child sexual abuse was either ten years after […]

Awards reception honoring Rep. Simon and Senator Latz

The National Center for Victims of Crime will have an awards reception on June 20th in Minneapolis to honor Rep. Simon and Sen. Latz for their work in securing passage of the Minnesota Child Victims Act.  PLEASE JOIN THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME IN HONORING Representative Steve Simon AND Senator Ron Latz WITH THE CHILD PROTECTION AWARD FOR THEIR […]

Thanks to Women in the World Foundation!

 Marci Hamilton battles the deadline that cheats victims.   The Cleveland kidnapping case, the Sandusky scandal at Penn State and the revelations from prestigious private schools like New York’s Horace Mann remind us that child sex abuse can happen anywhere. “Twenty to 25 percent of children are sexually abused,” says Marci Hamilton, a professor at […]

Actual recipe for transparency: Myers– fire lobbyist Florio — pol hired to keep victims out of court.

Five people have resigned in New Jersey in the wake of revelations that a priest who was supposedly on a supervised lifetime ban from ministering to minors was indeed ministering to youth and wasn’t being monitored. Fr. Michael Fugee is out on bail after his arrest for violating terms of an agreement he signed with […]

Actually, largest category of abusers covered are incest perpetrators. Why would WSJ take their side?

Sacramento’s Nonprofit Shakedown CALIFORNIA The Wall Street Journal REVIEW & OUTLOOK May 30, 2013 Democrats and the tort bar target the Catholic Church. Democrats have a supermajority in the California legislature, and one fear is that they’ll use it to punish their political enemies. Consider the bill moving fast in the legislature to suspend California’s […]

Great editorial on MN window– it is all about access to justice!

In a resounding display of bipartisanship, the Minnesota Legislature has allowed childhood sexual abuse victims a chance to seek justice that was once denied. The Child Victims Act, which passed the Senate unanimously and the House by an overwhelming 123-3 vote, lifts the civil statute of limitations that prevented anyone 24 or older from filing […]

Great new SOL opinion from Louisiana!

Prescription PDF – privileges social justice and equity over strict formalism Daubert PDF

New developments in WIsconsin!

TO:                  All Legislators FROM:            Senator Julie Lassa and Representatives Sandy Pasch & Chris Taylor DATE:            May 29, 2013 RE:                  Co-Sponsorship of LRB 2111 and 1056, the “Child Victim’s Act” relating to the statute of limitations for sexual assault of a child.   Under current state law, civil actions in childhood sexual […]

Good news in CA! Window keeps chugging along

SB 131, the Child Victims Act in CA, passed the Senate yesterday with a 21 to 10 vote, and will now be heard by the Assembly. The Catholic Church in CA is currently lobbying heavily against the bill, and there is a clear party bias in the nay votes. Now more than ever, survivors of […]

IL has now passed both civil elimination and criminal elimination w/certain evidence!

IL has now passed both civil elimination and criminal elimination w/certain evidence Go IL!!  Gov to sign in near future.  Thanks and congrats to ICASA for hard work on this!