SOL vs. perp: +3 years from majority = Age 21
SOL vs. employer: +2 years from accrual

Majority Tolling: √    Age 18
Discovery Tolling: √  Liberal (+3 years)

Age of Consent: 16

None for rape and aggravated criminal sodomy.
Victim’s age 28 or +1 year from conclusively established DNA, whichever is later.
APPLICATION: effective April 2013

2015 Pending Legislation

No pending bills at this time.  View SOL Snapshot

Professor Marci A. Hamilton Testimony

No testimony for this state.

State SOL News

Mary Sanchez, KC Diocese trial extends culture of silence about abuse

So typical and why SOL reform is needed to get more truth to the public to protect children.

Rare but sweet justice! (Former Kansas City pastor sentenced to 50 years in federal prison | National Catholic Reporter)

Rare but sweet justice! Former Kansas City pastor sentenced…