Jay Hathaway, Cosby Accuser Chloe Goins Sues for Childhood Sexual Abuse at the Playboy Mansion, Gawker

If Gov Brown had not vetoed window, more victims would be in court against Cosby alleging rape
Nice job, Gov., protecting the bishops

Royal Commission releases research report on understanding failure to identify and report child sexual abuse, Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse

Imagine Congress doing this!

Mass. priest defrocked for sexually assaulting child set to be released from prison, Reuters

A former Massachusetts priest who figured prominently in the Roman Catholic Church’s sex abuse scandal and pleaded guilty in 2002 to raping a child will be released from prison after prosecutors dropped their effort on Friday to send him to a state facility for sexual predators. Ronald Paquin, who was defrocked in 2004, was one […]

Shaun King, Top Miami cop running police youth program arrested for child pornography and misconduct with minors, Daily Kos

South Miami Police Department Officer Joe Mendez was an award-winning cop. Twice named Officer of the Month in his department, Mendez was also a finalist for his community policing efforts as the coordinator of the Miami Police Explorers Program. Except Mendez also had a child pornography fetish, regularly gave alcohol to teenage girls in his […]

Amanda Berg, On clergy abuse Pope Francis vows accountability, but church victims find little common ground, Penn Live

archdiocese doing more than law requires because lobbying to keep legal obligations low

Kieran Tapsell, The strange disconnect between Pope Francis’ words and actions about sex abuse, National Catholic Reporter

Wish it were stranger

Gary Cameron, Kim Davis And Pope Francis Had A Private Meeting In D.C., Reuters

Addressing reports that Pope Francis met privately with controversial Kentucky clerk Kim Davis during his U.S. visit, the Vatican acknowledges that the meeting took place. Davis, who has refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, says she met the pope at the Vatican Embassy in Washington. “I cannot not deny the meeting took place […]

Tricia Escobedo, Warren Jeffs’ son, daughter allege sexual abuse, CNN

For the first time, two children of Warren Jeffs have alleged that the imprisoned leader of the polygamous Mormon sect sexually abused them as children. Becky and Roy Jeffs, both adults, made the revelations to Lisa Ling on her upcoming CNN show “This is Life,” which premieres Wednesday night. They both recently left the Fundamentalist […]