Manu Raju, The Pope vs. the GOP, CNN

Congressional Republicans hope Pope Francis leaves his liberal-leaning views at the Vatican. When he addresses a joint session of Congress Thursday during an event that will be broadcast around the world, a large number of House and Senate Republicans want the leader of the Catholic Church to keep a lid on his progressive attitudes on […]

Joseph Goldstein, U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies, NY Times

KABUL, Afghanistan — In his last phone call home, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. told his father what was troubling him: From his bunk in southernAfghanistan, he could hear Afghan police officers sexually abusing boys they had brought to the base. “At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything […]

Tim Stelloh, Olympic Gymnastics Coach Accused of Molestation Found Dead in Jail, NBC

An Olympic gymnastics coach facing child molestation and sexual misconduct charges in Indianapolis was found dead in his jail cell on Saturday night in an apparent suicide, authorities said. The coach, Marvin Sharp, 49, was discovered just after 8 p.m. at the county jail where he was being held, Marion County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Katie […]

Rabbi Moshe Gutnick pre-Yom Kippur apology to victims of institutional sexual abuse on behalf of Rabbinate, Manny Walks

Must read from rabbi on sex abuse

Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Abuse victims say Catholic Church must do more to atone for predatory priests, LA Times

Each morning when he wakes and walks to his shower, Mark Rozzi is reminded of a priest from his childhood, and the nightmare that unfolded in the rectory back in 1983. He was a 13-year-old student and altar boy at Holy Guardian Angels Catholic Church and school in his hometown of Reading, about 65 miles […]

Will Carless, South America has become a safe haven for the Catholic Church’s alleged child molesters, Global Post

Wow Global pass the clergy trash

Teresa Watanabe, LAUSD cannot blame 14-year-old for own sexual assault, appellate court rules, LA Times

Good decision. Child can’t consent to abuse by adult and school must protect child.

Don E. Woods, Priest sex abuse survivor to walk 270 miles hoping to change N.J. laws, NJ.Com

Abused by a priest at 11 years old and quiet about it for most of his life, 68-year-old Fred Marigliano is making up for his silence. For each step of a 270-mile walk he’s making across New Jersey, he is stopping people on the street and educating them about what it’s like to be a […]

Scott Malone, US sex victims say Church remains obstacle to justice, Reuters

Mark Rozzi says he was 13, a young altar boy, when a priest at his eastern Pennsylvania parish sexually assaulted him in a shower. It took Rozzi, who says the priest spent a year grooming him with trips to McDonald’s and secretly shared beers, a quarter of a century to talk about the experience publicly. […]

Chile Catholic Church rocked by email scandal, AP News

Bishops keeping truth from public? Say it ain’t so