Agence France-Presse, US Catholic Church shells out $150M to sex abuse victims, prevention programs, InterAksyon

US Catholic Church shells out $150M to sex abuse victims, prevention programs

Mark Scolforo,Sandusky’s adopted son joins call for Pa. to expand statute of limitations in abuse lawsuits, The Republic

Story is wrong re task force and SOLs

TF didn’t have SOLs on agenda and notion PA SOLs are good is bishop propaganda not objective assessment

Associated Press, Lawyer: 3 more friar abuse suits settled by former students, Centre Daily Times

Lawyer: 3 more friar abuse suits settled by former students

Elizabeth Mohr, Archdiocese of the Twin Cities asks court to reduce window for victims to file claims, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Unconstitutional for fed BR to unilaterally alter state SOLs

Scott Broom, Md. delegate says he was raped as a child, WUSA

God bless you and thanks for all survivors who need more legislators to step forward

Francesca Norsen Tate, Diocese of Brooklyn sponsors mass of hope and healing for survivors of sexual abuse, Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Nice cover while the NY bishops lobby to keep their victims out of court.