SOL vs. perp: +3 years from majority = Age 21
SOL vs. employer: +3 years from majority = Age 21

Majority Tolling: √       Age 18
Discovery Tolling: √    Liberal (+3 years)

Age of Consent: 18

Age 30

APPLICATION: All claims not barred as of 2013.

2015 Pending Legislation

No pending bills at this time.

View SOL Snapshot

Seattle Archdiocese to Pay $12 Million in Sex Abuse Settlement

The Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington, has agreed to a lawsuit…

Guest: Swift action needed from Pope Francis on child sex abuse (Seattle Times)

Our elected reps don't need the Pope to do the right thing. Just a conscience

WA extends criminal SOL unanimously!

Child sex-abuse prosecutions extended April 9, 2013 11:25…

Washington State –criminal-- changing SOL from 1 year to report in some cases, to age 30!

Full bill Text: Changes…

Wash steps up on sol reform!

Washington looking to extend statute of limitations for child…

Extension of child-rape statute of limitations proposed in Washington

Senate Bill 5100 would allow rape cases involving victims…