Frimet Goldberger, Did Hasidic Neighbor Start Sex Abuse Reign of Terror on September 11?, Forward

A man testified that he suffered years of child sexual abuse after visiting a respected member of his upstate New York Hasidic community for comfort on the day of the September 11 terror attacks. Laiby Stern told a court that he was sexually molested for five years from 2001 until his bar mitzvah by Moshe […]

Stephanie Marcus, Comment Email ’19 Kids And Counting’ Canceled By TLC After Josh Duggar Child Molestation Scandal, Huffington Post

What took so long?

Adam Bell, Waxhaw man sentenced to 20 years in NY child sex abuse case, Charlotte Observer

A Waxhaw man who pleaded guilty to child sex abuse charges in New York this year remains under investigation by the FBI and Union County authorities in a child pornography case, officials said Wednesday. Bill Bates-Congdon, 51, was sentenced to 20 years in prison after he admitted to abusing two boys and two girls – […]

NANCY FRAZIER O’BRIEN , Twelve years in, sex abuse charter faces ongoing challenges, Catholic Philly

Wake me up when they add civil justice as a necessary element Ie when the bishops stop lobbying against SOL reform

Joe Otterson, Whoopi Goldberg Flip-Flops on Bill Cosby: ‘All of the Information … Points to Guilt’, MSN

Thank you Whoopi! The SOLs for rape, child or adult, favor predators and endanger the vulnerable

Julia Dulin, Huffington Post digs up a solid story on abuse in Baltimore archdiocese, Get Religion

Must read. Bishops stranglehold on justice and rank injustice

Marci Hamilton, The Story Behind the Cosby Story: Sexual Assault and Secrets,

Marci Hamilton, The Story Behind the Cosby Story: Sexual Assault and Secrets ,