Father, uncle and brother of 16-year-old Indian girl arrested for raping her repeatedly, NY Times

US has serious incest cases as well. Enduring taboo re child sex abuse

Felicity Capon, National Scandal Over Major Child Abuse Cover-Up in French Schools, News Week

Information passed to Newsweek has revealed that global horror over child abuse and its concealment by the Establishment, hitherto focused squarely on the UK, now needs to be widened to France as well. Thousands of children in French schools have been sexually abused by paedophile teachers, an international NGO has claimed, accusing the French education […]

Tom Corrigan, Minnesota Archdiocese, Abuse Victims at Odds Over Claims Deadline, Wall Street Journal

A Minnesota bankruptcy judge agreed to give the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and alleged victims of clergy sexual abuse more time to negotiate the terms of a settlement, but the two sides remain at odds of over the proposed deadline by which victims must file claims in order to be compensated. […]

Ian Kullgren, Brenda Tracy, sexual assault survivors urge lawmakers extend time limit for rape prosecutions, OregonLive

Brenda Tracy and two other high-profile survivors of sexual assault urged lawmakers Wednesday to extend the time frame in which officials can prosecute rape cases. Testifying before a meeting of the House Judiciary Committee, Tracy and other advocates asked legislators to more than triple the statute of limitations, from six to at least 20 years. […]

Mark your calendar for SOL events

In honor of April being National Child Abuse Prevention Month, we have teamed up with Paoli Hospital to offer our “Keep Your Kids Safe” seminar. And don’t forget to save the date May 2nd for our 3rd Annual 5k run/walk! “Keep Your Kids Safe” Seminar at Paoli Hospital Paoli Hospital and Justice4PAKids are teaming up to […]

Cath Whistleblowers put bishops between rock and hard place Church has no sol on child sex abuse   Scan0078

Catholic journalist known for Vatican II reporting, activism dies at 84, Catholic Sentinel

Robert Blair Kaiser, whose award-winning coverage of the Second Vatican Council for Time magazine played a significant role in informing Americans about the council, died April 2 in hospice care in Phoenix. He was 84. His funeral Mass was to be celebrated April 10 at St. Francis Xavier Church in Phoenix. Kaiser spent 10 years […]

Gary Puleo, Bridgeport pastor’s book addresses church’s challenges, Mainline Media

The Rev. Ronald Popivchak recently took Pope Francis up on his invitation last fall for clergy and laymen to submit their ideas on ways the Catholic Church can upgrade its profile. And so the pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church in Bridgeport appointed himself administrator, overseer, leader – a metaphorical bishop for […]

Church reviews sex abuse priest Anthony McSweeney’s move to Norwich, BBC

The Catholic Church is reviewing how it dealt with the transfer of a priest who was found to have indecent videos of teenage boys. Anthony McSweeney, 68, was last month jailed after he was found guilty of indecent assault between 1979 and 1981. In 1998, he was found to have pornographic videos while at St […]