Associated Press, SUNY backs bill combating campus sexual assaults,

Sen. G: how about stepping up and incentivizing the states on SOL reform? NY is one of the worst in the US

Rapid City, S.D. Journal, Sobering S.D. figures on child sex abuse, The Bismarck Tribune

If recs do not include SOL reform, SD is choosing predators over kids

Geoffrey Vendeville, Sexual abuse victims reach landmark $20-million settlement with Quebec religious group, The Montreal Gazette

So many victims locked out of court due to a technicality. Time for SOL reform in Canada and US! Either choice: kids or predators. I choose kids.

Teacher linked to child porn became Waldorf ‘rock star’

Another teacher who “likes” girls and porn evades justice due to bad NY SOL. Gov. Cuomo: the choice is predators or children.

Gallo-Silver L, Anderson CM, Romo J. Best clinical practices for male adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: “Do no harm.” Perm J 2014 Summer;18(3):82-7

New article on treating male survivors

Police: Epsom man, 67, arrested on child sex abuse charges, Casey McDermott, Concord Monitor

Proving just how important liberalizing SOLs for child sex abuse victims really is!

Editorial: Pope, bishop must be sincere in rooting out sex abuse, Schenectady, The Daily Gazette

It’s difficult not to take a pope at his word But given the Catholic Church’s recalcitrant moves toward transparency and reform regarding priest sex abuse, it’s easy to be skeptical about Pope Francis’ latest apologies to victims and his pledge to hold bishops accountable for the priests in their charge. In the Albany Diocese that includes our […]

Holding Church Shepherds Accountable Pope Francis and the Bishops Who Hid Pedophile Priests, Editorial Board, New York Times

Let’s not stop at MN! Bishops need to be held accountable for endangering children even now across the US. Till they stop fighting SOl reform, no credibility