RAY MOUTON, AUTHOR OF “IN GOD’S HOUSE” ON “REFORM IN ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH” When Legality trumps Morality In The Catholic Church.  That Is Whenever And Wherever Money Is Involved. Two recent, amazingly, actually stunning contradictions and hypocritical stances were assumed by the Catholic Church when money was involved.  The most recent incident in January of 2103 involved a court […]

PCAR urges movement on PA window legislation!

Virginia Graham watches as Gov. Jay Inslee signs a bill extending the statute of limitations on child sex abuse cases in Washington

Virginia Graham watches as Gov. Jay Inslee signs a bill extending the statute of limitations on child sex abuse cases.   OLYMPIA – Virginia Graham’s journey to get justice for victims of child sex abuse isn’t over, but after nearly 10 years of pleading and prodding the Legislature she can take a breather. A bill that extends the […]

Great editorial for MN SOL reform!

Advocates for the sexually abused say it takes years, often decades, for people to overcome the shame they feel and to summon the strength to come forward and talk about what happened to them when they were children. By that time, it’s often too late. Minnesota’s civil statutes require child sex-abuse lawsuits to be filed […]

Here is how to reserve seat for next Tuesday’s NY event for Mortal Sins!

An event page has been set up at http://mortalsins.splashthat.com/ where those interested in attending can reserve seats. The theater holds 199. Please note that the name of the venue is Culture Project at 45 Bleecker Street, not Bleecker Street Theatre.

NY Gov open to Child Victims Act

For the past eight years Assemblywoman Margaret Markey has introduced legislation to expand the statute of limitations for victims of sex abuse. The bill, which would allow child sex abuse victims to file lawsuits against their abusers, has failed to gain traction previously, but Markey believes a number of high-profile abuse cases in the Catholic Church and the […]

Important new books on RCC clergy sex abuse scandal

Michael D’Antonio, Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, and the Era of Catholic Scandal (Thomas Dunne Books 2013) Ray Mouton, In God’s House: A Novel About One of the Great Scandals of Our Time (Head of Zeus 2012) No matter how hard they try—and they have given it all they have—the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy cannot keep the truth of […]

CAK at State Capitol in support of sex abuse victims

Rubio v. Archdiocese of Miami, Inc., 114 So.3d 279 (Dist. Ct. of Appeal of Fla., 3d Dist. 2013)

holding that the defendant was not equitably estopped from asserting statute of limitations as a defense because the plaintiff did not allege any facts that demonstrated the Archdiocese “caused or induced him to refrain from filing suit within the limitations period,” and finding that Plaintiff’s claims were appropriately dismissed as time-barred

Ms. Foundation joins the fight for SOL reform. Rally tomorrow in NY!

New bill to combat childhood sexual abuse  completely eliminates SOL codes in NY State    Lobby Day brings victims and advocates to Albany to urge passage of Markey’s Child Victims Act to get justice for crimes against children Assemblywoman Margaret Markey will hold a press conference in Albany to report on her new expanded Child Victims Act that will […]