Jean Hopfensperger, Minnesota Child Victims Act continues to rock Catholic Church, Star Tribune

Minnesota Child Victims Act continues to rock Catholic Church

Ann Brasco, What we can all learn from Josh Duggar: 8 truths at the center of the child sexual abuse scandal,

What we can all learn from Josh Duggar: 8 truths at the center of the child sexual abuse scandal

Rosie Scammell, Australians push for Vatican cardinal to testify on abuse, NCR, Religion News Service

55,000+ have signed petition calling for Cardinal George Pell to return to his native Australia and face a government commission on child sex abuse after allegations that he tried to bribe the victim of a pedophile priest

SOL Hero of the Month: Rep. Jason Spencer [May 2015]

May 2015: Rep. Jason Spencer (R-HD 180, Woodbine, Ga.) Rep. Jason Spencer was born to a military family on Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. The family then moved to Moody Air Force Base in Valdosta, Georgia in 1978 and a year later to Alapaha, Georgia. While growing up in South Georgia to a modest […]

Joseph Slobodzian, PA high court reinstates Msgr. Lynn’s child-endangerment conviction, The Inquirer

That’s Justice!

For clergy survivors and all others as well

Editorial: Place No Limits On Child Sex Abuse Suits, PostStar

Ask Cardinal Dolan to disclose NY AD real estate holdings. CA bishops paid w nonreligious real estate and insurance