Georgia Alert – Hidden Predators Act Meeting Wednesday, Feb. 18th

M E M O R A N D U M February 10, 2015 TO:        Members, Judiciary (Civil) Fleming Subcommittee Representative Stephen Allison Representative Beth Beskin Representative LaDawn Jones Representative Mary Margaret Oliver Representative Larry O’Neal Representative Jay Powell Representative Dale Rutledge Representative Pam Stephenson Ex Officio:    Wendell Willard Mike Jacobs FROM:    Representative Barry Fleming, […]

Lawmakers Discuss Child Sex Abuse Cases and the Statute of Limitations, SDPB Lawmakers Discuss Child Sex Abuse Cases and the Statute of Limitations House lawmakers are discussing a measure surrounding child sex abuse cases and the statute of limitations in South Dakota. In 2010 the South Dakota legislature passed a law tightening the statute of limitations for childhood sex abuse claims. Child sex abuse victims who […]

Lawmaker calls for repeal of New York statute of limitations for sex abuse against children, AP

A New York state senator says the state should repeal the statute of limitations for sexual abuse against minors.

Elizabeth Faugl, Lawmaker Pushing for Change in Statute of Limitations on Rape Cases, ABC 6

The legislation, if finally signed by Governor Kasich, would lift the 20-year statute of limitations in using DNA to convict rapists in Ohio.

Rachel Stockman, New bill being pushed by victims of child sex abuse, WSB-TV Atlanta

The “Hidden Predator Act” would also open more investigative records, and would add a two-year window for revival of claims for victims.

Sandra Parrish, Child sex abuse victims ask lawmakers for more time to sue their abusers, WSBradio

“They are threatened and they are very scared about alienating the entire family when they come out and tell the truth,” says Marci Hamilton, a professor at Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University in New York.

Sarah Farnsworth, Child sex abuse royal commission: Jewish ‘code of silence’ at Yeshivah centres under spotlight at inquiry

Silence endangers kids…

Catholic Whistleblowers documentary set for NYC debut in February | National Catholic Reporter

SOL event at Cardozo in NYC, Thursday, Feb. 5

The Hidden Predator Act, H.B. 17; Hearing: February 2, 3:00PM

would extend the civil statute of limitations from age 23 to age 53 and revive for a period of two (2) years all other actions for which the statute of limitations (“SOL”) had previously lapsed

HB 17 (GA Hidden Predator Act) MEETING NOTICE

February 2, 2015 at 3 :00 PM in the Judiciary Committee meeting room 132 inside the Capitol