Greta Johnson,Proposed changes to Ohio rape statute of limitations don't go far enough,
Raymond McCloude raped her on April 24, 1994. And, no one believed…
Greta Johnson, Proposed changes to Ohio rape statute of limitations don't go far enough,
"This legislation isn't only empty and devoid of true hope for all victims; it does worse. It creates a second-class victim."
Elizabeth Faugl, Lawmaker Pushing for Change in Statute of Limitations on Rape Cases, ABC 6
The legislation, if finally signed by Governor Kasich, would lift the 20-year statute of limitations in using DNA to convict rapists in Ohio.
Jessica Anderson, Ohio rabbi accused of sexually abusing Maryland girl, The Baltimore Sun
Ohio Senate Considers Bill to Extend Rape SOL
by MARC KOVAC | CAPITAL BUREAU CHIEF Published: May 20, 2014…
Law limits sexual-abuse victims to 2 years to sue state
Fundamentally unfair
Claudia Vercellotti commentary: Statute of limitations on sexual abuse needs a fix
Excellent oped on OH SOLs. Claudia is a fighter for survivors.
Survivor's moving victim impact statement. Must read!
Survivor's moving victim impact statement. Must read!
When SOL doesn't stand in the way, justice is possible
Prosecutor says Ohio priest raped boy in W.Va.