Entries by SOL Reform

Ben Glaze, Most read Live feeds Top Videos News Politics Football Celebs TV & Film Weird News TRENDINGEDMONTON BEHEADINGAUSTERITY BRITAINNHS IN CRISISCHARLESTON SHOOTINGNEXT LABOUR LEADER Sport Technology Money Travel Fashion Home News UK News Child abuse Child sex abuse is still being covered up at ‘the highest level’ warns campaigning MP, Mirror

Most read Live feeds Top Videos News Politics Football Celebs TV & Film Weird News TRENDINGEDMONTON BEHEADINGAUSTERITY BRITAINNHS IN CRISISCHARLESTON SHOOTINGNEXT LABOUR LEADER Sport Technology Money Travel Fashion Home News UK News Child abuse Child sex abuse is still being covered up at ‘the highest level’ warns campaigning MP 14:34, 23 JUNE 2015 BY BEN […]

Agency Staff, UN panel to review CAR child sex abuse claims, BD Live

A former Supreme Court justice of Canada will lead a review of how the United Nations handled allegations that French and African troops sexually abused children in the Central African Republic, the UN announced on Monday. Marie Deschamps will chair the independent panel that will include Hassan Jallow of Gambia, a prosecutor of the UN […]

Edith M. Lederer, New Claims of Child Sex Abuse by UN Peacekeepers in Africa, Associated Press

The United Nations said Tuesday it has received allegations that U.N. peacekeepers sexually abused street children in Central African Republic, where French troops are also being investigated for alleged sex abuse against boys. U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Central African Republic was informed of the allegations on Friday and notified […]

Peter Cluskey, Dutch Catholic Church agrees to expand compensation of victims, The Hague

In an unexpected U-turn, the beleaguered Catholic Church in the Netherlands has agreed to pay compensation to more than 250 victims of clerical sex abuse whom it had previously ruled had not fully substantiated their complaints. The controversy over compensation follows the 2012 publication of the 1,100-pag Deetman Report, which revealed that 800 Catholic clergy […]