Entries by SOL Reform

South Jersey victims allegedly molested by former Philly sportswriter say it should never be too late to report assaults

South Jersey victims allegedly molested by former Philly sportswriter say it should never be too late to report assaults Posted: Thursday, February 20, 2014 4:02 pm By STEVEN LEMONGELLO, Staff Writer An Atlantic City prosecutor who claims she was molested by Philadelphia Daily News columnist Bill Conlin in Margate in the 1970s has joined three other […]

Sex Assaults at Evangelical Colleges, the United Nations, and the Vatican – See more at: http://verdict.justia.com/2014/02/20/sex-assaults-evangelical-colleges-united-nations-vatican#sthash.fmLOsBoM.dpuf

Sex Assaults at Evangelical Colleges, the United Nations, and the Vatican Professor Marci A. Hamilton There was a time when evangelical Christians said that they didn’t have issues with sex abuse or assault like the Catholic Church, because they did not have a hierarchical structure. The stories of Baptist abuse have challenged this assertion, as do recent stories […]