Entries by SOL Reform

Child sex abusers must be punished

Four years ago, I wrote to state legislators in support of the Child Victims’ Act legislation sponsored by Assemblywoman Margaret Markey, D-Queens. At the time, the proposed legislation would have merely extended the statute of limitations for reporting childhood sexual abuse by five years. I found it disturbing that all involved in the lobby effort were working […]

Fingers crossed for MN sol reform!

Legislature Nears Vote On Removing Time Limits For Abuse Victims To Sue ST. PAUL, Minn. — As the state Legislature nears a vote on a controversial bill that would give victims of sexual abuse more time to sue, a new book chronicles the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, including some key characters and […]

ALERT for survivors and friends and families of survivors in NY

There will be a Friends and Family Day in Albany in support of the Child Victims Act in June. Survivors–please encourage your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends to participate.   Friends and families–please join us in June to meet with every member of the New York state legislature in support of the Child Victims Act […]