Errin Haines Whack, Prosecutor Seeks Rehearing in Catholic Church Abuse Case, NBC

Despite losing on appeal twice, Philadelphia's district attorney…

Dwight Longenecker, Should We Have Married Priests?, National Catholic Register

Their right to choose. Can't have child-abusing priests

Ray Duckler, Ray Duckler: After months of digging, investigators uncover church abuse, then turn up the heat, Monitor

Ray Duckler, Ray Duckler: After months of digging, investigators uncover church abuse, then turn up the heat, Monitor

Jeremy Roebuck, D.A. asks appeals court to reconsider Lynn case,

Lawyer says never ending saga for Lynn. Imagine how the survivors feel

Josh Gerstein, Victims in underage sex case want prosecutors to testify, Politico

While powerful men loudly battle over their reputations it appears girls were used sexually. Could we get the focus back on the victims?

Greg Daniels, 'Gross institutional failure' by UN on child sex abuse case, Waltonian

important adults ignoring children suffering --- again