Phila Alert Wed, Oct 28 at Penn

Panel on 10-year Anniversary of 2005 Phila Grand Jury Report: Lessons Learned and Spurned

Former Penn State Coach to Appear at Child Sex-Abuse Appeal, Associated Press

The former Penn State assistant football coach convicted on multiple…

Help for child sexual abuse victims, Click On Detroit

To protect our children, we teach them about stranger danger,…

Louis A. Butcher, Jr., Making places of worship safe havens for children, Lancaster Online

Ever since the child abuse scandals in the Roman Catholic Church…

Linda Crockett, Child sex-abuse victims deserve time to seek justice, Lancaster Online

A major focus of Samaritan Counseling Center is preventing child…

The Economist explains Why sex crimes have statutes of limitations, Economist

Bishops are lobbying against victims in every state not just Iowa, MD, and DC

Atika Shubert and Bharati Naik, ISIS soldiers told to rape women 'to make them Muslim', CNN

ISIS soldiers told to rape women 'to make them Muslim'

Amicus Brief in MA Sliney Case

amicus brief in MA Sliney case

Terrible PA Decision


Priest in Somerset County removed -- accusations in 2002 (not the 1970s)

Altoona priest accused of abuse; SNAP responds For immediate…