Elizabeth Mohr, Ramsey County official sues Boy Scouts over sex abuse, Pioneer Press

He could have filed his sex-abuse lawsuit against the Boy Scouts…

Agency Staff, UN panel to review CAR child sex abuse claims, BD Live

A former Supreme Court justice of Canada will lead a review of…

Edith M. Lederer, New Claims of Child Sex Abuse by UN Peacekeepers in Africa, Associated Press

The United Nations said Tuesday it has received allegations that…

Up to 690 years for man in 'horrific' child sex abuse case, Philly.com

Amazingly brave Survivors Depraved evil adults.

Todd Heywood, Snyder Signs RFRA-Style Adoption Bills, Pride Source

Bishops clearly control Mich politicians -- worst SOls for child sex abuse victims and now lousy for gay couples.

Peter Cluskey, Dutch Catholic Church agrees to expand compensation of victims, The Hague

In an unexpected U-turn, the beleaguered Catholic Church in the…

Ross Douthat, The End of the Sex Abuse Crisis, The NY Times

Dream on. The end will be marked by justice for the victims. American bishops have placed that goal far away

Michael J. Salamon, Mikvahs, Saunas And The Role of Leadership, The Jewish Week

Must read to understand religious indifference to abuse--halo effect and cognitive dissonance