Madeleine Baran, Priest sex abuse lawsuit settlement reached in Twin Cities, Winona, MPR News

More good developments for protection of kids from SOL reform in MN

Allison Leotta, 'SVU' Explores Sex Abuse in Hollywood, Huffington Post

'SVU' Explores Sex Abuse in Hollywood Allison Leotta Novelist,…

Dave Altimari, Connecticut Boarding School Target Of New Sexual Abuse Allegations, The Courant

Good for these CT survivors! Wouldn't be possible in NY or GA!

Source: '7th Heaven' actor's accuser waited too long, CNN

New York (CNN) -- Police in New York are aware of child molestation…

Michael Catalini, Man sues Archdiocese of Newark, alleges priest sexually abused him as a child in late 1970s, Daily Journal

A man who's suing the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark, alleging…

Andrew Keshner, Judge Finds State Limits on Sex Offender Moves Illegal, New York Law Journal

A judge has found the state's 2005 restrictions on sex offender…