Toughen laws against child-sex predators

Children who are raped, sodomized and otherwise sexually abused…

Claudia Vercellotti commentary: Statute of limitations on sexual abuse needs a fix

Excellent oped on OH SOLs. Claudia is a fighter for survivors.

Alleged victim targets accused pedophile priest 30 years later

Brzyski is one of the worst

Pope's new abuse commission is another promise waiting to be broken | National Catholic Reporter

Must read! I would add that access to justice should be front and center. So long as hierarchy works to block access it violates human rights and forces victims into desperation of believing they don't deserve justice. Victim legal reform is a righteous cause

Sex crime statute of limitations bill among 10 signed by Colorado governor

Currently certain sex offenses are not subject to a statute of limitations, but accompanying non-sex offenses are subject to a statute of limitations. The new law will eliminate the statute of limitations for those accompanying offenses.

Hawaii Hearing Postponed until 28th

Not too late! Submit your own testimony

Why Child Abuse Victims Don't "Just Get Over It"

We are living in a time when there is an explosion of disclosures of an as yet untold number of cases of abuse, and there is an explosion of neurobiological knowledge, as well, that can help the survivors seeking relief. In both realms, we are only now getting to see the very tip of what is vastly bigger than we ever realized.

Hawaii: Bills may give more victims chance for justice

HAWAII The Worthy Adversary Posted by Joelle Casteix on March…

Chaput apologizes for church's role in sex abuse scandal

Lame. We'll know Chaput's really sorry when he fires his lobbyists against SOL reform.

Give me 10 Hail Marys and some good advice

Bishops priorities = package of suffering for survivors, elderly, and gays.