Action Alert in CA! Contact Senators to vote YES to SB131!
Final Vote: SB 131 goes to Senate for concurrence of amendments as early as today, September 6th:
SB 131, the Child Victims Act in CA, is the bill that, if passed, will allow me to seek compensation and treatment for my kidnapping and assault, facilitated by the School of the Madeleine and the Catholic Diocese of San Diego, which remains unapologetic and unwilling to compensate me and other victims of abuse.
SB 131 may move to the Senate as early as today! Please call now! 21 Senate votes are needed to complete the bill process with a concurrence of amendments. Then, the bill may go to the Governor. Please contact all Senate members today, and ask them to vote YES on SB 131 to save my life, to help me and other survivors of abuse, and to stop child rapists and those who protect them.
CA Senators: History of votes: faces/billNavClient.xhtml Track this bill: postquery?bill_number=sb_13 1&sess=CUR&house=B&author= beall Updated information: uctionRecovery Helpful information:
Most Democrats are voting Yes and simply need your reminder to vote (and to vote Yes!); calls of support to their offices will help. These Republican senators (including my own representative, Joel Anderson), however, are opposing the bill; please contact them repeatedly, and ask them to vote Yes:Joel Anderson (Senate District 36)- (916) 651-4036; https:// PublicLCMS/ ContactPopup.php?district=S D36 Ron Calderon (SD 30)-(916) 651-4030; https:// PublicLCMS/ ContactPopup.php?district=S D30 Anthony Cannella (SD 12)- (916) 651-4012; https:// PublicLCMS/ ContactPopup.php?district=S D12 Cathleen Galgiani (SD 5)-(916) 651-4005; https:// PublicLCMS/ ContactPopup.php?district=S D05 Ben Hueso (SD 40)-(916) 651-4040; https:// PublicLCMS/ ContactPopup.php?district=S D40 Ted Lieu (SD 28)- (916) 651-4028; https:// PublicLCMS/ ContactPopup.php?district=S D28 Alex Padilla (SD 20)-(916) 651-4020; https:// PublicLCMS/ ContactPopup.php?district=S D20 Rod Wright (SD 35)-(916) 651-4035; https:// PublicLCMS/ ContactPopup.php?district=S D35 Leyland Yee(SD 8)-(916) 651-4008; https:// PublicLCMS/ ContactPopup.php?district=S D08 Andy Vidak (SD 16)-(916) 651-4016; https:// PublicLCMS/ ContactPopup.php?district=S D16