PA ALERT: HB 1947 Passes the Pennsylvania House of Representatives by an overwhelming majority
”PA ALERT: HB 1947 Passes the Pennsylvania House of Representatives by an overwhelming majority”
“Today is an historic day in Pennsylvania because the House has finally chosen to side with the victims of child sex abuse against those who caused it. HB 1947, which passed the House of Representatives by an overwhelming majority today, should be named the Hidden Predator Act, as it revives all expired SOLs for anyone under the age 50 permanently. No one in Pennsylvania under the age of 50 will be denied justice ever again under this bill. And no one who abused a child or created the conditions for abuse in Pennsylvania should feel secure in current anonymity or believe that the secrets they still hold will remain hidden.
The survivors (and the families of those who have not survived) can see some light at the end of the tunnel. It is now up to the Senate to choose: justice and child protection or injustice and child endangerment. There is no other accurate way to say it.
Revival legislation is powerful medicine for the sickness of a society that lets children be abused as powerful adults stand by. But it is not nearly as powerful as the Catholic Conference has painted it, as I document here in a relative comparison of revival legislation across the US.
I hope that victims and their families will now redouble their efforts to help the Pennsylvania Senate see the irrefutable logic of reviving expired SOLs for child sex abuse victims.” – Marci A. Hamilton, April 12, 2016