ACTION ALERT: Friday, May 27 – Multi-Organizational Demonstration to Protest Actions being taken by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia top leadership to fight the passage of PA HB 1947- #SOLReform

Philly Action Alert: Fri May 27, 6pm
Wear white shirt and bring friends and family to send message that Catholic hierarchy’s opposition to victims’ access to justice is immoral and wrong


WHAT: Multi-Organizational Demonstration to Protest Actions being taken by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia top leadership to fight the passage of PA HB 1947- #SOLReform

WHEN: Friday, May 27 at 6 PM

WHERE: Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, 100 E. Wynnewood Rd., Wynnewood, PA

PARK/MEET AT THE OVERBROOK STATION (2195 N. 63rd Street at City Avenue, Phila., PA  19151.There is a larger parking area is on the other side of tracks, off Drexel Road; use the underpass to cross to the parking lot where we will be convening. As a large group, we will then cross over City Avenue to Wynnewood Ave. which has multiple lanes and heavy traffic at the light. 

DRESS ATTIRE: Please wear any kind of white shirt you have.

SIGNS: Any poster that you want to bring that shows your support for #SOLReform and HB 1947. We will have a few extra signs also.

CONTACT: Marie Whitehead, FACSA Communications Coordinator, 215-439-0536

WHY: Archbishop Chaput, with the aid of his lawyers and a PR firm, has launched a no holds barred, multi-faceted, expensive communications campaign aimed at convincing Philadelphia Area Catholics that changing the laws pertaining to the sexual abuse of children is a wrong, unfair and will cause the archdioceses to go into bankruptcy, close many more schools and severely limit financial resources for their many ministries.  Chaput wants them to call their legislators and tell them not to support HB 1947.  The bill removes the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution for child sex abuse, extends the maximum age to file a civil suit to 50 and makes it possible for more child sex abuse victims to bring lawsuits against any Pennsylvania diocese which enabled and protected their predators.

The first step was to meet with all the priests in the archdiocese which he did a week or so ago. Friday night he has invited all the Catholics in the archdiocese to come out and hear about HB 1947 from their perspective and encourage them to take action to oppose it.

FACSA, with many other local and national organizations, is demonstrating to help raise awareness of what the truths in this matter are and to support the passage of HB 1947.

For more info: