Entries by SOL Reform

Michaela McGuire, Charismatic school principal Malka Leifer was adored within a strict Jewish sect in Melbourne’s east. Despite whispers of inappropriate acts with students, it was years before her dark secrets were exposed., SBS

“My childhood was very difficult,” Sarah* says, in a matter-of-fact way. Now in her mid-20s, she has a quiet voice, but speaks with a forceful elegance. “I just knew that when my mother hit me and when she screamed at me, I couldn’t tell anyone. For anybody to know would be the scariest thing. “We […]

Michael McKenna, Sex abuse victim in plea to reform statute of limitations laws, The Australian

A victim of child abuse at a prestigious Queensland private school, who is about to be the subject of royal commission hearings, has called for the nationwide ­implementation of laws to prevent churches and schools escaping legal liability for covered-up cases of pedophilia. The victim, “John’’ — who does not wish to be named — […]