Speedy response to abuse redress scheme demanded, The Australian

State and territory attorneys-general are pressuring the new…

Bill Mahoney, Assemblywoman calls on Pope Francis to back child sexual abuse bill, Politico NY

Assemblywoman Margaret Markey is using Pope Francis’s visit…

Philly Action Alert: Monday, 9/28, 1:30pm

Barbara Dorris of SNAP and I will be holding a press conference tomorrow to…

Daniel Burke and Kristi Ramsay, Pope Francis on sexual abuse: 'God weeps', CNN

Survivors need and deserve sunlight not secrecy. Should have met in public w large gathering of survivors.

Kelly Riddell, Catholic Church collects $1.6 billion in U.S. contracts, grants since 2012, Washington Post

Not to be lost in the pomp and circumstance of Pope Francis’…

Debbie Maimon, Oregon Court Scrutinizes Rebbetzin’s Role In Trailblazing Case, Yated

In a case that sparked a nationwide uproar, a female county clerk…

Peter Kohn, Second student suing Adass, Jewish News

THE ultra-Orthodox Adass Israel School is facing a…

Pope's Historic Visit Reignites Church Sex Scandal Debate, Public Service News

The historic U.S. visit of Pope Francis has refocused attention…