Adam Bell, Waxhaw man sentenced to 20 years in NY child sex abuse case, Charlotte Observer

A Waxhaw man who pleaded guilty to child sex abuse charges in…

The day I realised the child abuse I suffered wasn’t my fault, The Guardian

Legal system sends that message too. Eliminate SOLs here and abroad

NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN , Twelve years in, sex abuse charter faces ongoing challenges, Catholic Philly

Wake me up when they add civil justice as a necessary element Ie when the bishops stop lobbying against SOL reform

Joe Otterson, Whoopi Goldberg Flip-Flops on Bill Cosby: 'All of the Information … Points to Guilt', MSN

Thank you Whoopi! The SOLs for rape, child or adult, favor predators and endanger the vulnerable

Marci Hamilton, The Story Behind the Cosby Story: Sexual Assault and Secrets,

Marci Hamilton, The Story Behind the Cosby Story: Sexual Assault and Secrets ,