Eliott C. McLaughlin, Vatican to try former ambassador on child porn, sex abuse charges, CNN

The Pope's former ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Jozef…

Raymond L. Flynn, Flynn: Bishops tribunal moving church out of scandal’s darkness, Boston Herald

When bishops stop lobbying against victims they might be able to claim transparency. Not one minute earlier

Mary Sanchez, New Vatican tribunal to hold bishops responsible for curbing sex abuse, Kansas City Star

Institutional culture of abuse spans nation Only the law has been effective in protecting children

Benny Forer, Debunking the Myth of Defamation in Sex Abuse Cases

Very important read -- Plus civil SOL is needed so that victims can name perps in court. Without open SOL, perp has more leverage to sue for defamation

The Editorial Board, Standardize sex-crime law, The Times Tribune

The Editorial Board, Standardize sex-crime law, The Times Tribune

Andy Newman, Bronx Rabbi Is Negotiating Buyout and Is Expected to Step Down, NY Times

The prominent rabbi of a Bronx synagogue who has been the…