GA Alert for SOL reform

GA Alert for SOL reform

Lawsuit by former Kamehameha students alleges decades of sex abuse

Fruits of Hawaii window -- about to close!

GA Alert: Atlanta Event in Support of SOL Reform, Thursday, March 13, 1:30 pm

Come to Capitol Rotunda Thursday at 1:30 in support of survivors and SOL reform

DA vindicates victims of karate instructor

View PDF of Letter from DA

Archdiocese to end tuition aid to children of abuse victims

"I've heard of individual cases where some victims have negotiated unusual assistance with the archdiocese, but I had never heard of a standing tuition program," said Marci Hamilton, a lawyer who has represented several victims in lawsuits against the archdiocese.

'Boss Bill' prevents employer's religious beliefs from infringing on women's health care decisions

Now if only NY would not defer to the bishops on child abuse, it could be a moral leader!

10 with Minnesota ties on Catholic group's list of accused child sex abusers

More fruits of MN window. Truth comes out