SOL propaganda from CA bishops.

SOL propaganda from CA bishops. Here is the truth-- Misguided…

This is progress on SOLs.

Camden priest-abuse suit to proceed despite 'recovered memory'…

The Constitutionality of S.B. 131, An Act Relating to Damages: childhood sexual abuse: statute of limitations

TO:                 The Members of the California…

Diwakar Vadapalli and Virgene Hanna, Trends in Allegations and Investigations of Child Abuse and Neglect in Alaska, Institute of Social and Economic Research University of Alaska Anchorage

Rates of child abuse and neglect in Alaska have been high for years, compared with national averages and under various measures.

Nice editorial on the Pope and CA window

Pope Francis made two statements of historic proportion Monday. He…

Action alert for MA residents and survivors

Your Action on SOL Reform…

Analysis in Support of SB 131

Professor Bainbridge (view article) has failed to deal with any…

Bryson v. Diocese of Camden, Civil Action No. 12–499 (JBS–KMW), 2013 WL 3956360 (D. N.J. July 26, 2013)

denying the defendant’s motion for summary judgment, and finding that that Court should conduct a hearing pursuant to Lopez v. Swyer to determine whether evidence of the prejudice the defendant incurred outweighed other determinative factors for equitable tolling

Window = access to justice

Ex-Scouts allege sex abuse by Rochester area troop leader Article…

LA bishop tells parishioners to take stand against victims

SARAH PARVINI The Associated Press July 17, 2013 6:37 AM LOS…