Entries by SOL Reform

Action Alerts for the week of May 13th, 2013

Action Alerts For The Week Of May 13th, 2013: Illinois: HB 1063 to Remove the Criminal Statute of Limitations for Sex Crimes Against Children SOL bill is scheduled to be heard on Wednesday, May 15 in subcommittee at 8:55 a.m. and in the Senate Criminal Law Committee at 9:00 a.m. Learn more and contact your sentators today! New Jersey: New SOL […]

Pols urged to extend MA sex abuse statute of limitations

Child sex abuse experts say at least 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 5 boys are sexually abused in their lifetimes.  It often takes years for victims of child sex abuse to come forward – And by the time they’re ready it’s often too late to take action against the crimes committed against them. […]

CA Bill to Extend Statute of Limitations to Sue Child Molesters Clears Committee

SACRAMENTO – Legislation by Sen. Jim Beall to overhaul the statute of limitations so adult survivors of child molestation can seek justice in civil courts against their abusers was passed Monday by the Senate Judiciary Committee. “Senate Bill 131 changes California’s antiquated statute of limitations on civil claims brought forward for childhood sexual abuse,’’ said […]

Video post format

Create blog posts with video easily by using video post format. All you need to do is simply select Video format in post format section and paste a link to the video you want to embed.  You can embed videos from You Tube, Vimeo, and you might as well use a self-hosted video.  

Great letter supporting NY CVA!

Letter: Pass Child Victims Act to protect innocent lives After reading Thomas B. Stebbins‘ letter (“Focus effort on preventing abuse,” April 9), I must ask: Why would the public agree to support any organization that would cover up crimes or protect sexual predators? I can’t think of a justifiable reason why a one-year civil window wouldn’t […]

BREAKING NEWS: MN Window passes Senate!!

Minnesota Senate passes bill removing civil statute of limitation on child sex abuse lawsuits A bill that would make it easier for Minnesotans who were sexually abused as children to bring civil lawsuits against their abuser or the institution that enabled that abuse could soon become law. It passed the Minnesota Senate unanimously on Wednesday, […]

Great oped in favor of CA sol reform

Sexual abuse victims seek more time to sue The issue: Many victims of child sexual abuse do not come forward to reveal what happened for years after the crimes. By then civil and criminal statutes of limitations have often expired and the perpetrator cannot be punished. Proposed bill: SB131, introduced by Sen. Jim Beall, D-San Jose, proposes […]