Hannah Hoffman, Oregon Legislature takes on sex in a modern world, Statesman Journal

Let's talk about sex. Someone must have said that to the Oregon…

Betsy Schindler, Delegate's story of abuse can help others, Baltimore Sun

If fC.Tound the testimony of Del. C.T. Wilson both brave and…

Ian Margol, Hidden Predator Act Heads to Gov. Deal, WSAV

The Hidden Predator Act, or House Bill 17, received final passage…

Sex Abuse Lawsuit Settled Against Elite NYC Prep School, ABC News

Gov. Cuomo: NY shut out these victims. NJ opens doors for victims when NY slams them shut

Natasha Phillips, The Child Abuse Inquiry Must Radicalise to Succeed, Family Law

Congress: it is time to step up for the children sacrificed by our legal system

GA Alert. Action needed today on SOL reform

GA Alert. Action needed today on SOL reform Progress in GA but one more hurdle. GA residents please call or email ASAP

AP, Chilean Catholics protest bishop over alleged cover-up of child abuse, DW

Hundreds of people have protested against the ordination of a…

Heather Crawford, Ga. lawmakers consider hidden predator act, WTLV

Progress in GA But chamber of commerce works behind the scenes