New Square educator charged with sexually abusing boy, Steve Lieberman,

God bless this young man. Unlikely to be only victim. NJ needs to liberalize child sex abuse SOLs to level legal playing field between perps and suffering victims

New York to legalize medical marijuana under new deal, Kenneth Lovett, NY Daily News

Bishops' lobbyist who blocks access to justice for child sex abuse victims year after year gets MJ for NY. When will Cuomo care about NY's kids and back SOL reform?

Child Sex Abuse Survivor Reacts to Extension of Statute of Limitations, ABC News 40

(WGGB) — Survivors of child sexual abuse are applauding a…

Iowa Supreme Court dismisses coach sex abuse case By DAVID PITT, Associated Press

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — The IowaSupreme Court on…

Mass House and Sen pass SOL reform unanimously--Gov expected to sign

Once the Governor signs the bill, every survivor of sexual abuse in the state of Massachusetts will be able to file a civil lawsuit, whether or not their SOL already expired, up to age 53. It is a retroactive extension to age 53.


New MA bill is terrific for family victims-- vast majority of victims; RCC hierarchy once again threw own victims under the bus.

NYC: Free Training Seminars Next Week (Register Now!)

The National Center for Victims of Crime, is offering free training seminars for victim advocates and service providers, criminal justice practitioners, law enforcement officers, SANE nurses, counselors, lawyers, and victims of crime in New York.