Puerto Rico arrests priest charged of child sexual abuse, BBC News

Israel Berrios, 58, is the first priest to be detained over charges of this kind in Puerto Rico, a US territory.

Victoria ends statutory time limit on historical child sex abuse cases

Aussies way ahead of US on justice for victims

Pennsylvania Action Alert!

Contact your legislators now to support Rep. Rozzi's bill AND the Sen. bill that has an age 50-retro extension

Rep. Moeller Co-Sponsoring Bill to Extend Statute of Limitations in Sexual Assault Cases (Chicago Tribune)

Senate Bill 2609 changes the start of the statute of limitations for sexual assault cases from when the crime occurs to when the rape kit has been collected, processed and analyzed. This measure addresses the sometimes years-long backlog in processing evidence kits.

Hawaii lawmakers extend time for sex abuse cases

Sky did not fall-- Hawaii extends window for 2 years

Get Over It! by David Pittman

Must-read for all survivors