Entries by SOL Reform

02/08/13: Hawaii Action Alert

Hawaii Action Alert Both new SOL bills passed the relevant committee on Fri. SB 2678 permanently extends the civil SOL to age 55, retroactively. SB 2678 was amended to delete “gross” from gross negligence, which was good! HB 2034 eliminates the civil and crim SOLs for sexual assault Hawaii residents- ask your senator to support […]

Roland C. Summit, M.D., The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome, Child Abuse & Neglect Vol 7, pp. 177 – 193, (1983)

The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome This article appeared in Child Abuse & Neglect Vol 7, pp. 177 – 193, 1983. Printed in the USA. All reserved. It is reproduced here with the publisher’s kind permission. Copyright C 1983 Pergamon Press Ltd By Roland C. Summit, M.D. Head Physician, Community Consultation Service, Clinical Assistant Professor […]