Entries by SOL Reform

Brave PA survivor speaks up for SOL reform

John Fidler: Courage to speak out about sexual abuse cannot be tied to a legal calendar 10/25/2013 In a recent column about cowardice, I wrote about a father who beat his 2-year-old daughter so severely three years ago that she remained paralyzed, blind and brain-damaged until she died Sept. 5. I prefer to write about […]

Thank you Kathy Picard!

  C I T Y  O F  S P R I N G F I E L D In the City Council October 21, 2013   WHEREAS,                the SOL (Statute of Limitations) is the maximum amount of time a person has to bring a lawsuit from the time of the incident, and WHEREAS,                […]

Link between child abuse and alcoholism. Important study

Joseph Nowinski, Ph.D. Clinical psychologist Childhood Trauma and Adult Alcohol Abuse: Shedding Light on the Connection Posted: 07/22/2013 10:01 am New Research on Childhood Abuse and Adult Drinking Problems A study reported in the June 2013 edition of the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (Schwandt, M. L., Heilig, M., Hommer, D. W., George, D. T. and […]

Pennsylvania Child Sexual Abuse Case Highlights Need for Statute of Limitations Reform (Updated)

http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/10/22/a-pennsylvania-priest-who-allegedly-abused-children-may-go-free-while-statute-of-limitations-reformers-press-on/ UPDATE, October 23, 4:10 p.m.:On Wednesday, Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams announced that his office cannot move forward with the prosecution against Father Brennan given the recent unexpected death of the 26-year-old man reported on below. According to the local NBC affiliate: “The district attorney said he dropped rape and sexual assault charges levied against […]

Philly DA drops priest’s rape case; accuser died (AP News)

Philly DA drops priest’s rape case; accuser died By MARYCLAIRE DALE PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Philadelphia prosecutors will drop rape charges against a suspended priest once named in more than 20 long-ago complaints because the recent accuser died this month of an overdose. District Attorney Seth Williams announced the decision regarding the Rev. Robert L. Brennan […]

Family of witness against priest breaks its silence

Family of witness against priest breaks its silence Sean Patrick McIlmail kept his secret for 12 years as it chewed away at him and his close-knit family watched him descend into mental illness and drug abuse. On Wednesday – four days after they buried the 26-year-old – his parents, brother and sister decided the time […]

Brave survivor shut out by SOL works for change

Today’s Sunday Kenosha News featured a major set of stories on survivors of clergy sexual abuse and the newly formalized Survivors and Clergy Leadership Alliance (SCLA).  Monica Barrett, a co-founder of the Alliance, and her inspiring story below:  Priests, survivors form alliance When Peter Isely, the Midwest director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, […]

SOL Reform and the Civil Rights Movement for Children

Gov. Jerry Brown’s Recent Veto of Child Abuse Legislation and What It Tells Us About the Civil Rights Movement for Children No civil rights movement worth pursuing happens overnight or easily, because it is always a fight against the entrenched powers that resist and detest change.  The ups and downs are sometimes steep, with the […]

Bishop says victims’ access to justice is unfair. Definition of narcissism! (http://www.patheos.com/)

Calif. governor vetoes ‘unfair’ abuse lawsuit bill Los Angeles, Calif., Oct 15, 2013 / 04:56 am (CNA/EWTN News).- California Gov. Jerry Brown has vetoed a controversial bill that would have allowed more decades-old sexual abuse charges against Catholic schools and other non-profit institutions, while exempting public schools where abuse took place. Auxiliary Bishop Gerald Wilkerson […]

Jerry Brown invokes Roman Law, vetoes SOL bill for sex abuse victims

Invoking a legal tradition of “fairness” dating back to Roman law, Gov. Jerry Brown on Saturday vetoed legislation that would have extended the statute of limitations for some sex abuse victims. PHOTO GALLERY: Track key bills. See what Brown has signed or vetoed. Senate Bill 131, by Sen. Jim Beall, D-San Jose, would have opened a yearlong window […]