Iowa SOL Bill renamed SF2109

Updated Professor Hamilton Testimony to reflect bill name change…

02/08/13: Hawaii Action Alert

Hawaii Action Alert Both new SOL bills passed the relevant…

This is a sad reminder: Adults abused as children have a much higher rate of suicide than the general population

Marcus misses the most important point. Had he had counseling;…

February 2014 Update - Making CVA the Law in New York State

With a new year, we have put a busy new schedule in place to move the Child Victims Act of New York into law during the current session of the New York State Legislature. Here is an update on what is coming up in the next few months.

02/07/14: Testimony Before House Committee on Judiciary on H.B. 2034

Re: Hawaii H.B. 2034 (Eliminates the civil and criminal statutes of limitations for victims of sexual assault in the first and second degree and continuous sexual assault of a minor under the age of fourteen years)

Beyond The Letter of the Law

Moving statement by Yeshiva U survivor

Roland C. Summit, M.D., The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome, Child Abuse & Neglect Vol 7, pp. 177 - 193, (1983)

The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome This article appeared…

UN backs SOL reform and victims' access to justice!

The UN Com­mit­tee on the Rights of the Child re­leased a scath­ing eval­u­ation of the Vat­ic­an’s policies to­ward sexu­al ab­use, ho­mo­sexu­al­ity and abor­tion.

When ‘He Wasn’t Convicted’ Doesn’t Mean ‘Innocent’

It’s obviously not my place to say if Woody Allen is guilty or not. But when the charge is child sex abuse, “he wasn’t convicted” hardly means “innocent.”

The law vs. child sex abuse victims (NY Daily News)

We don't know whether Dylan Farrow is telling the truth about Woody Allen, but we do know that the cards are stacked against survivors