California educator accused on YouTube of sexual abuse charged with 16 felonies

Of course she is raising SOL! Typical defense on technicality in child sex abuse cases....
LAT had wool pulled over their eyes Should have read the brief: 1. RFRA did not pass unanimously. It was unanimous consent. Fn xx 2. RFRA does not impose a prior standard but rather makes one up out of whole cloth Pg. xx (Where we Cite croson) 3. Congress does not have the power to overrule the Supreme Court or to give benefits solely to religious actors. Let's have this debate based on facts rather than the religious lobbyists' talking points.

Professor Marci A. Hamilton Testimony in favor of Iowa SB 3112 (SF 2109)

extends criminal and civil statute of limitations for child sex abuse to 25 years after majority

Woody Allen's allies cast doubt on abuse claims

Had the SOL not expired, a court could resolve this. W/o the legal system, everyone is hurt. Even the powerful man being accused, who will not be able to clear the cloud above him without legal proceedings.

Prosecutor has some more explaining to do

Woody Allen Sex Abuse Accusations 'Expired'

Rosenblum: Number of sex-abuse allegations is disheartening

I disagree. This avalanche of facts occurred because MN took down SOL barriers and let the truth out. This needs to be done everywhere so we can catch up w the hidden pedophiles. What is more disheartening are the states like PA and NY that are keeping the lid on the truth by stalling on SOL reforms.

Beall Calls for Giving Victims More Time to Seek Prosecution or File a Lawsuit (CALIFORNIA)

For Immediate Release: Jan. 29, 2014                                                                       Contact:…

These secrets are killers. Sunshine and justice are disinfectants

Jesse Ryan Loskarn’s death shows danger of silence about abuse