Brave PA survivor speaks up for SOL reform

John Fidler: Courage to speak out about sexual abuse cannot be…

Thank you Kathy Picard!

  C I T Y  O F  S P R I N G F I E L D In the City Council…

Link between child abuse and alcoholism. Important study

Joseph Nowinski, Ph.D. Clinical psychologist Childhood…

Pennsylvania Child Sexual Abuse Case Highlights Need for Statute of Limitations Reform (Updated) UPDATE,…

Philly DA drops priest's rape case; accuser died (AP News)

Philly DA drops priest's rape case; accuser died By MARYCLAIRE…

Family of witness against priest breaks its silence

Family of witness against priest breaks its silence Sean…

Brave survivor shut out by SOL works for change

Today’s Sunday Kenosha News featured a major set of stories…

SOL Reform and the Civil Rights Movement for Children

Gov. Jerry Brown’s Recent Veto of Child Abuse Legislation and…

Jerry Brown invokes Roman Law, vetoes SOL bill for sex abuse victims

Invoking a legal tradition of "fairness" dating back to Roman…