Ann Brasco, What we can all learn from Josh Duggar: 8 truths at the center of the child sexual abuse scandal,

What we can all learn from Josh Duggar: 8 truths at the center of the child sexual abuse scandal

Rosie Scammell, Australians push for Vatican cardinal to testify on abuse, NCR, Religion News Service

55,000+ have signed petition calling for Cardinal George Pell to return to his native Australia and face a government commission on child sex abuse after allegations that he tried to bribe the victim of a pedophile priest

SOL Hero of the Month: Rep. Jason Spencer [May 2015]

May 2015: Rep. Jason Spencer (R-HD 180, Woodbine, Ga.) Rep.…

Editorial: Place No Limits On Child Sex Abuse Suits, PostStar

Ask Cardinal Dolan to disclose NY AD real estate holdings. CA bishops paid w nonreligious real estate and insurance